Guided Audio Meditations

Take a guided journey with Gwyn Davis and Bryce Delbridge where they use ambient sound, binaural beats, visualization, and breath work techniques designed to help you experience inner peace, healing, and renewal.

How binaural beats work:

When you hear two tones — one in each ear — that are slightly different in frequency, your brain processes a beat at the difference of the frequencies. This is called a binaural beat.

Binaural beats are considered auditory illusions. For a binaural beat to work, the two tones have to have frequencies less than 1000 HzTrusted Source, and the difference between the two tones can’t be more than 30 Hz. The tones also have to be listened to separately, one through each ear

Benefits of binaural beats include:

  • Increased creativity and cognitive enhancement

  • Reduced anxiety and improved mood

  • Helping you enter a meditative state

  • Improved sleeping habits

  • Helping to improve focus, attention, and memory retention

    You will receive the most benefit from the binaural beats if you use headphones or dual speakers

After checkout you will receive an email with the links to access the files in .wav or .mp3 formats through dropbox within 24 hours of purchase.

Guided Meditation Selection


This meditation brings your attention to unhealthy patterns, behaviors and/or relationships that drain your life force energy. You will be encouraged to envision new circumstances where your self care is prioritized, allowing you to let go of that which is unproductive to your growth.


Become aware of the feelings you associate with movement programs you have experienced in the past. Explore your judgment of movement and identify movement that is supportive to your health in the present.

Healing Our Relationship With Food

We look at our past and current relationship to food and ways that it has served us or held us back. We look at developing new stories and creating a healthy relationship with food. We begin to trust the signs our bodies give us allowing our bodies to be divinely nourished through the food we eat.

Breath is Life

Awareness is brought to the breath, the different ways we can breath. We notice any tension in the body that restricts full deep breaths and we release the tension so that we can inhabit our belly, upper chest and nasal passage with life giving oxygen.

Thought Ascension

During this meditation we become aware of thoughts that no longer serve us. We forever release them to divine source energy allowing those thoughts to be transmuted for the positive in our lives.

Healed Relationships Strengthen Divine Connection

Here we look at how relationships with certain people make us feel, comparing those we feel are supportive to those we feel are not. We identify the differences in our perception between these two relationships and become aware of the story we tell ourselves about the person we find challenging. We then look at ways to turn the story around so that we can deepen our compassion and open our heart.


This meditation will help you clear old energy using your breath and focused thoughts to renew all the cells of your body.