Painting as a Form of Art Therapy


What is Art Therapy

Stress is a huge part of everyone’s life, whether it be from work, school, or relationships. Finding ways to relax and to let yourself be creative is a necessity in maintaining a happy and healthy life.

“When you use imagery, colors, shapes, and designs as a part of your therapeutic process, your thoughts and feelings can be expressed through your art, rather than words that are often difficult to articulate to others.” (heysigmund) Art therapy can be practiced through ways that range from sculpting to painting.

Art therapy can be practiced almost anywhere, and it is encouraged to bring out your creative side when something is making you stressed or overwhelmed.

The Benefits of Painting

There are a variety of benefits that people can see through painting as a form of art therapy, including:

  • improved communication

People who are a little bit shy or are not in the mood to express themselves through speaking may find comfort in their ability to express themselves through painting.

  • increased self-esteem

  • improved motor skills

  • brain stimulation

  • concentration

  • emotional intelligence

Emotions play a key role in our creativity. Painting is a great way to express whatever emotions you may be feeling.


How to Paint as a Form of Art Therapy

There are many ways people can practice painting as a form of art therapy. Some people may choose to listen to their favorite songs while painting for relaxation or simply painting their own example of a perfect day for happiness. (heysigmund)

A great example that is becoming more popular is group painting nights. These events range from wine and paint nights to simply gathering some friends and painting together. Other examples of group settings that are geared more toward the therapy aspect include businesses that specialize in healing through art therapy. The Art Therapy event hosted by the Zen Zone at Mind and Body Fitness Connections is just such an event

Watch This Video to Learn More About Art Therapy with Zen Zone at MBFC: Meditative Painting


Chelsea Black

Social Media Manager and Blog Writer.