What Does Success Mean To You
With each New Year many of us set goals or resolutions for the upcoming year and take stock of the year that has passed. As you reflect on 2020, will you consider it to have been a successful year?
For most people I know, 2020 has been a year of many trials and losses (loss of loved ones, income, physical connection, etc.) These trials and losses however do not necessarily mean success has not been achieved. Let’s look for a minute at ways we can define success.
Definitions of Success
One way the dictionary defines success is a “a favorable or desired outcome” and also “the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence” (Websters)
Most of us are products of a society that defines success in terms of material supply. Yet true success is demonstrated by wholeness, which is only experienced by walking in alignment with the needs of your soul. To only view success as a demonstration of a certain level of material or financial status gained through ambition is to only grasp a small portion of your soul’s potential. Success comes as the by-product of a life lived from the inside out. The key to living a successful life is grasping the awareness that you are enough. Once you understand you are enough, you create the space within your consciousness that allows you to realign harmoniously with your essential self or highest good. (Unity)
Ralph Waldo Emmerson blessed us with this definition of success:
“What is success?
To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends
To appreciate the beauty
To find the best in others
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
This is to have succeeded!” (Goodreads)
A New Perspective on Success
So, as we welcome the close of 2020 and the opening of 2021, I encourage you to take a look at what success means to you. Perhaps asking the following questions will give you a new perspective on how you can obtain success in 2021.
Are you living life harmoniously with your highest good in mind?
Are you laughing often and being authentic?
Are you expressing your passions in your work or hobbies?
Are you loving and being open to receiving the love of others?
We are all capable of succeeding in ways that are truly lasting, but first we must discover our passions and nurture our spirit and soul. Many blessings to you in 2021!
If you are interested in learning more about ways to nurture your soul and redefine success from material items to soul powered authenticity contact Gwyn Davis about getting plugged into a 1-on-1 Wellness Coaching program and Zen Zone’s classes and events. Email Gwyn
Written By Gwyn Davis
Wellness Coach